Index by School
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Concordia University
    Discrete Mathematics of Paul Erdos (COMP 691E)
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Malaspina University-College
    Calculus Of Several Variables (MATH 200)
    College Composition (ENGL 115)
    Compiler Construction (CSCI 435)
    Computers And Society (CSCI 400)
    Computing Architecture And Assembly Language (CSCI 261)
    Computing Science I (CSCI 160)
    Computing Science II (CSCI 161)
    Data Structures (CSCI 260)
    Database Systems (CSCI 370)
    Digital Logic And Computer Organization (CSCI 355)
    Discrete And Combinatorial Mathematics (MATH 223)
    Foundations Of Computer Science (CSCI 320)
    Intermediate Japanese I (JAPA 200)
    Intermediate Japanese II (JAPA 201)
    Introduction To Graph Theory (MATH 310)
    Introduction To Probability (MATH 320)
    Logic And Foundations (MATH 123)
    Networks And Communications (CSCI 460)
    Rhetoric and Reasoning (PHIL 100)
    Software Engineering (CSCI 265)
    Systems and Networks (CSCI 251)
    Web Programming (CSCI 311)
McGill University
    Advanced Static and Dynamic Compiler Techniques (Advanced Topics Programming 1) (COMP 762)
    Algorithmic Game Theory (Advanced Topics Theory 2) (COMP 761)
    Discrete Optimization 1 (COMP 566)
    Discrete Optimization 2 (COMP 567)
    Distributed Systems (COMP 512)
    Logic and Computation (COMP 527)
    Matrix Computations (COMP 540)
    Program Analysis and Transformations (COMP 621)
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Thompson Rivers University Open Learning
    Intro to Prob and Statistics (STAT 102)
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Vancouver Island University
    See Malaspina University-College
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TOP | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z